Our sports activator (Olivia) has been doing gymnastics with us me and my best friend Josie made an imovie of our gymnastics that we have done with Olivia. It was really fun and I really enjoyed doing it. IT WAS AWESOME!
Thursday, 18 September 2014
In room 4 we have been doing poetry writing with one our teachers Mrs O Today I have made a poem about faces. Here it is.

Wrinkly faces,
Old, young, fancy faces
Pale, White, Black faces
Those are just a few
Children's faces,
Adult faces,
Big, fat, smiley faces,
Up on heads faces,
Babies faces too

Friendly faces,
Mean faces,
Don't forget naughty faces
Last of all, Best of all,
I like girl faces.
Freckled faces,Wrinkly faces,
Old, young, fancy faces
Pale, White, Black faces
Those are just a few
Children's faces,
Adult faces,
Big, fat, smiley faces,
Up on heads faces,
Babies faces too
Friendly faces,
Mean faces,
Don't forget naughty faces
Last of all, Best of all,
I like girl faces.
My speech
We have had the junior speech competition. There were only 6 people in the class that got chosen there was 4 year threes and 2 year 4's and I was one of the year 4's that got chosen. My speech topic was that the world would be a better place without war. Maybe you would like to read along as you listen to it. I hope that you like it.
War is a dangerous situation to be in. Soldiers get killed, innocent people die and cities and buildings are ruined. Lives are destroyed as more and more people die and get badly injured. Everyone in the world is affected by war. It is no situation for anyone to live in I wish that every single person from all over the world could live in a nice peaceful country like New Zealand and have a happy life. The world would be a much better place without war!
We are lucky to be living in a quiet peaceful country like New Zealand because New Zealand is a war free zone. We may not have war around us but when we watch the TV, both day and night, we see all the destruction that has happened because of the war. The world would DEFINITELY be a better place without war!
Can you imagine babies, children, men and women dying horribly for no reason? Innocent people from all around the world are getting caught up in the war around them. People’s houses are being crushed and they are losing their family members because of bombs being dropped around their houses. People can be seriously injured by the war and can lose body parts like arms, legs and even their eyesight. These are horrible things that happen to innocent people caught up in war.
Would you want you children to be shot, bombed or kidnapped? Children are very seriously affected by the war surrounding them. Children grow up in a world of fear and terror because of the war happening all around them. The children are always looking for a place that is safe for an escape. They can’t even go outside without being in danger or worrying about being killed as they play. Children are having to go to hospital because of serious injuries and their family members are dying or getting hurt.Children should be able to play freely with their friends and enjoy being kids.
War affects the whole world. In 2002 there was the 9 11 bombing where 4 American airlines were hijacked by terrorists and 2 planes crashed into the twin towers causing massive fires and the building collapsed. The united airline flight was headed for Washington D.C but crashed into a field near Shanksville instead. The united airlines flight 77 crashed into the headquarters of the united department of defence. These hijackings caused more than 5000 deaths and affected the entire world.
In more recent times bombs have been dropped and buildings have blown up. A hospital has been blown up by bombs as well. Several weeks ago 295 people were killed when the M H 17 was shot down in a warzone. These innocent passengers and crew weren’t even a part of it. Countries all over the world, including NZ, were affected by this needless tragedy. You might think you haven’t been affected by war, but you have - petrol is more expensive because the countries that produce petrol make it more expensive to pay for their weapons.
To further support my speech countries like New Zealand, Australia, England and America are sending soldiers to help protect the innocent people affected by war in their countries. Sadly, some of the soldiers that get sent to war get killed and never return home. The soldiers families lives are ruined, because the soldier is badly injured or dies. Can you imagine sending a family member off to fight a war and then they never come home? That would be awful.
War is a dangerous situation to be in. Soldiers get killed, innocent people die and cities and buildings are ruined. Lives are destroyed as more and more people die and get badly injured. Everyone in the world is affected by war. It is no situation for anyone to live in I wish that every single person from all over the world could live in a nice peaceful country like New Zealand and have a happy life. The world would be a much better place without war!
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
ICAS result
At assembly I got my ICAS spelling results. For my test I got a credit and in the top 36% which was really really cool. I did the test with my friend Samara.
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