I tumbled out of my bed with such a thump that I could feel the house vibrate.i go to brush my hair when a knot interferes I tug and tug and then I know it, sticky, pink and everywhere......GUM!
Trudging down the stairs I slip and tumble over the dogs chew toy. The day gets worse every minute.
I try to pour the cereal into my breakfast bowl but instead it misses and hit the floor. I walk out the door as I remember my homework, sitting on the coffee table. I quickly go into get it as I see my work scattered on the floor.
I race back out to catch the bus when I see it passing by. " Great I have to walk to school." Pressure clears upon me as I hear the school bell ring. As I arrive into the classroom I hear the teacher say,
" Homework Please. " a mortified look was set on my face.
The humiliation of telling my teacher about my dog and my homework was the worst thing that I have ever through. I made a bee line to the door as the class started laughing at my unbelievable story. I slammed the door behind me as I walk to the music room where the sound of softness calms me.
When the lunch bell rings I head to have lunch with my best friends jasmine, Cassidy and Kelly. At the scenes of children I spot them sitting at our normal table when I slip on an old banana peel and spill my lunch everywhere. Great, even worse than my homework especially because the whole school is watching me.
I go outside for a breath of fresh air when Bubble Baluza, the most famous super woman living on Earth came out of the middle of no where and saves my day.
" Howdey young las what's ya name?"
" Zuri."
" Ah Zuri, now I've hear that you have been having the worst day ever and that's why I'm here to fix it."
" Really you'd do that for me?"
Then Bubble Baluza Zuri to stand in the middle of the school field whith her arms wide open and spin three times, so she did.the day restated and this did not happen... Fall out of bed, knot her hair,tumble down the stairs, spill the cereal on the floor, miss the bus, get humiliated at school, and when that day restarted she became the captain of the cheerleading squad and the most popular girl at school.