Thursday, 28 August 2014

Frozen imovie trailer

In room 4 we have learnt how to make an imovie trailer about a book or a movie. I have decided to make my trailer about the movie frozen. Here it is. I hope you like because I have worked quite hard on making this. Do you have any ipads at your school? If you do you should get imovie on them and try making a trailer.


In room 4 we have been learning about how to write poems. So far we have made adverb poems and list poems which mine is here.List poems are really easy to write so maby you might like it if your teacher taught you  how to write one.

Happiness is kids playing in the playground.

Happiness is spending time with my family.

Happiness is presents on Christmas day.

Happiness is enjoying your life.

Happiness is rooms filled with laughter and joy.

Happiness is the day a new baby is born.

Happiness is making new friends at school.

Happiness is all over the world.

Happiness is the opposite of sadness.

Happiness is the best feeling you could have.

Happiness is great!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Term 3 goals 2014

In room 4 we get goals to work on each year and every term we set different goals to work on. Do you have goals in your class room to.

To be chosen for the junior speech competition.

To slow down and answer questions correctly.

To start using pen for my handwriting.

To consider others thoughts and ideas.

To make eye-contact with my audience.

Monday, 11 August 2014

My friend is really a robot.

My friend Lanie once became a robot when she was four and a half years old. The way she became a robot was when she first learnt how to do the monkey bars. So one day when we were on school visits she tried to show me so when Lanie did the monkey bars it was a rainy day and when Lanie reached half way she slipped and fell but before she reached the ground a 12 foot hole formed beneath her and she fell down it. Lanie was trapped down the hole for four days so in the hole lived 2482 robots so she had to eat their food although she paid no attention to what she was eating because she was eating rotten cabbages, slugs, worms, caterpillars and completly  frozen solid meat. Ater about two days since she got trapped down the hole and went missing she figured that she had turned into a robot her self and had the powers of flying then flew straight out the top of the 12 foot hole.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Otago rugby players came to visit

we have had some Otago rugby players come to visit our school over lunch time. Children from lots of different classes got autographs and photos with them. We played a game of shark attack in the tennis courts with them. The Otago players were on their way to Alexandra 

My cube net

In room 4 we have been learning about perimeter and what perimeter is and 
I made the cube. On a cube there is 12 edges 6 faces and 8 corners. I have made this cube all on my own without any help so I hope that you like it. Maybe you could try making a goggle drawing yourself.


In room 4 we have been learning about perimeter so I have made a cylinder. In a cylinder there is 2 edges 0 corners and 3 faces.  

Chocolate description

The chocolate had the writing of Cadburys pressed into the top of it. Huge pieces of licorice stick out of the side. The chocolate  is long and thin with the tingly bits on every side. It smells delicious and makes me hungry. The chocolate reminds me of Easter time. It feels like little bumps from the writing. At the parts where it had been pulled apart there are bumps and lumps. The chocolate started to melt on my tongue while the tiny little tingly bits dropped and fell out of the chocolate. I started to bite down on it as it got thinner and thinner then it all fell apart. All of the small pieces of chocolate raced down my throat until there was no more. When I had finished my big delicious clump of chocolate I realised there was still room for me to fit another piece of it down in my tummy.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

My speech from 2013

Swimming, piano, biking, guitar,running,Flute. These are all kinds of music and sport but which one do you like the best? If I had to choose one then I would choose sport the  best  and if you want to know. Well I’m going to tell you.

Firstly  you can become really famous playing sport like Mark Todd,Valerie Adams and Nikki Jenkins . When you play sport you usually go to A LOT of places round the world and play in front of huge crowds then lots of people get to know you. Especially if  you're in the Olympics. If you play music you do go all round the world for it but you don’t go to as many places or play in front of as many people.

Secondly you could do  sport  by yourself or as a team. When you're  playing music it’s usually in a team which takes LOTS AND LOTS of PRACTICE to get it right. Except when you’re playing sport you do have to practice just not as much because it is not as hard as it is when you playing music.

Finally it will make you fit. In sport you are always either Biking,Swimming or Running and if  you’re doing those three things then you will be moving and you will get the stitch. But if you get the stitch thats actually really good because it means you’re working really hard. So if you ever get the stitch you must be doing really well at whatever sport or activity   you’re doing. But if you play music you can’t really get the stitch because you’re not moving enough to get it.

This is why sport is better than music and just to remind you here are some of my ideas you can become famous, it will make you fit, you could do sport by yourself or as a team. And so this is why i think SPORT IS BETTER THAN MUSIC!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Making goop.

Charlotte, Ryan and I made green goop and made a mess of our station some of it even went on the floor. After we made goop Charlotte and I did the dishes and Ryan cleaned the table and floor.

Instructions to making goop.
Today for Science we experimented with three ingredients - 1 cup cornflour, 1/3 cup water and few drops of food colouring to see if they created a solid or a liquid.  What fun we had!

Making ice-cream

This is what the ice-cream looked like when it was finished. It was fun to make and delicious to eat.  Inside place:
1/2 cup milk
1 Tablespoon of sugar
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence
Seal the bag.
Inside a larger sealable plastic bag place some ice and 3/4 cup of salt. Put the small bag with the milk mixture inside the larger bag with the ice and salt and SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE......