Monday, 11 August 2014

My friend is really a robot.

My friend Lanie once became a robot when she was four and a half years old. The way she became a robot was when she first learnt how to do the monkey bars. So one day when we were on school visits she tried to show me so when Lanie did the monkey bars it was a rainy day and when Lanie reached half way she slipped and fell but before she reached the ground a 12 foot hole formed beneath her and she fell down it. Lanie was trapped down the hole for four days so in the hole lived 2482 robots so she had to eat their food although she paid no attention to what she was eating because she was eating rotten cabbages, slugs, worms, caterpillars and completly  frozen solid meat. Ater about two days since she got trapped down the hole and went missing she figured that she had turned into a robot her self and had the powers of flying then flew straight out the top of the 12 foot hole.

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